You should be aware of what potentially toxic chemicals are present in the water you consume when drinking. As we discuss in this article, drinking water is filled with a number of chemicals that can affect your health. Using a media filter or reverse osmosis with a post-mineral cartridge is one way to remove these toxins from your drinking water.
What is water contamination?
Toxic chemicals enter our water supply and cause water contamination. There are many sources of these chemicals, such as industrial facilities, sewage treatment plants, neighbors' lawns, and agricultural runoff. Lead, mercury, arsenic, and chloroform are the most common toxic chemicals found in drinking water. If ingested, lead can cause serious health problems. Behavioral problems and cognitive impairments can result from even low levels of lead exposure in children. In addition to damaging the brain and nervous system, mercury is also a neurotoxin. Death can result from exposure to high levels of mercury. Several types of cancer have been linked to arsenic, including bladder, lung, skin, and kidney cancer. A Super Clean byproduct, chloroform, has been linked to liver, kidney, and bladder cancer.
Fluoride is said to be good for your teeth, but excess fluoride intake during tooth formation causes Dental fluorosis. Fluorosis of the enamel and primary dentin can only occur in childhood, so fluoride exposure (in connection with dental fluorosis) occurs during childhood. * (see below for resources). We can help you get rid of this toxic poison from your water.
If you are concerned about the quality of your water supply, you should be aware of these chemicals. Your local water utility or environmental health department will almost always obfuscate, or outright lie to you if you suspect your water may be contaminated. Ask the people of East Palestine, Ohio. You should generate an analysis of your EPA mandates
You can review what's in your drinking water with the Water Report.
What are the Most Common Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water?
Drinking water contains a variety of toxic chemicals. Here are a few of the most common:
- Chlorine: Chlorine is often used as a Deodorize in water treatment plants. Despite being effective at killing Germs, it can also produce harmful byproducts like chloroform and dioxins.
- Fluoride: Fluoride is added to many public water supplies to prevent tooth decay. It is a neurotoxic substance. Recent epidemiological studies suggest fluoride is a neurotoxicant that reduces intelligence in humans In children, it is similar to toxic metals (lead, methylmercury, arsenic) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
- Lead: It is possible for lead to enter drinking water through old pipes and fixtures. In addition to brain damage and kidney failure, it can cause serious health problems.
- Arsenic: Rocks and soil contain arsenic, a naturally occurring element. Drinking water can be contaminated by runoff from mines or industrial sites. Various cancers have been linked to arsenic exposure.
Health Effects of Contaminated Water
There are many health effects that can be caused by drinking contaminated water. Some of the more common ones include:
- gastrointestinal illness
- respiratory infections
- skin infections
- neurological disorders
- reproductive problems
Can contaminated water also increase the risk of certain cancers?
Long-term exposure to arsenic, per the World Health Organization, can cause skin cancer, as well as cancer of the bladder and the lungs.
Hexavalent chromium in drinking water has been linked to certain stomach cancers. In December 2010, the Environmental Working Group released a report that found hexavalent chromium in the tap water of 31 of 35 U.S. cities tested. The highest levels were in Norman, Okla.; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Riverside, Calif. here are tens of thousands of other contaminants that cause cancer and other diseases.
How do You Remove Toxic Chemicals from Drinking Water?
Drinking water can contain toxic chemicals in a number of ways. It is possible that they are naturally occurring or that they are the result of human activity. In either case, these chemicals can pose a serious health risk.
Toxic chemicals can be removed from drinking water in several ways. Filtration, reverse osmosis, and distillation are the most common methods.
Water is filtered to remove impurities by passing it through a filter. Different types of filters are available on the market, each designed to remove different contaminants.
The most efficient process is reverse osmosis (RO). This method effectively removes 99% of all particulates in the water, including the healthy minerals.
We strongly suggest you use a post mineral cartridge to replace the healthy minerals that are lost.
The distillation process involves boiling water and then condensing the steam back into the water. Any impurities in the water are left behind.
Drinking water can be filtered or distilled to remove most toxic chemicals. Nevertheless, no method is 100% effective. Regularly testing your drinking water by a certified laboratory is the best way to ensure its safety. has been used by Life to check well water.
Does Media Filtration work?
Water filters remove impurities from water through physical barriers, chemical reactions, the exchange of ions, or biological processes. Drinking water, irrigation water, industrial water, and swimming pool water are all purified by filtration.
The goal of all water filtration systems is to provide clean, safe water. Activated carbon filters are the most common type of water filtration system. Activated carbon filters remove contaminants from water by adsorbing them.
Reverse osmosis is another type of water filtration system. To remove impurities from water, reverse osmosis filters use semi-permeable membranes. Household drinking water filtration systems are the most common type of reverse osmosis filter systems.
In industrial applications, reverse osmosis filters purify water for use in manufacturing processes. Reverse osmosis systems for industrial use are typically larger and more complex than those for residential use.
Water filtration systems ensure that your family has access to clean, safe water. Different types of systems are available, so it is important to choose one that fits your needs.
Post Mineral Cartridge for Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Using pressure, reverse osmosis (RO) removes contaminants from water by forcing water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. In addition to dissolved minerals, Germs, Pathogens, and even larger particles, RO systems can remove a wide variety of contaminants.
Post-mineral cartridges are often used in conjunction with RO systems. Calcium and magnesium are two minerals that can be lost during the RO process, and this type of cartridge helps to restore them. Coral Calcium post mineral cartridges are the best, as they contain over 70 minerals.
To remove any mineral dust from the filters of an RO system with a post-mineral cartridge, it is imperative to flush the system with clean water first. Let the system run for several minutes after flushing.
As a result, it is important to be aware of the toxic chemicals present in drinking water. Exposure to these chemicals can have devastating effects on our Family's health. You can reduce or eliminate these dangerous compounds from your household's drinking water by testing and treating your water. By taking the necessary steps now, you will help ensure a healthier future for yourself and those around you!
It only takes a fraction of a drop of a toxin like Dioxin to kill you, your family, and your pets. By burning vinyl chloride, the Norfolk Southern railroad made enough dioxin to kill every man, woman, child, and animal on the planet. Let's start by cleaning up your water!
First, visit and know what’s in your water. Then look at the recommended filtration systems and decide what is right for your Family. If you have questions, call 808 425 0474 Hawaiian time zone
Resources and References:
Chronic Fluoride Toxicity: Dental Fluorosis - PMC – NCBI
Monogr Oral Sci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Sep 4.
Published in final edited form as:
Monogr Oral Sci. 2011; 22: 81–96.
Published online 2011 Jun 23. doi: 10.1159/000327028
PMCID: PMC3433161
PMID: 21701193
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